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November 2014
Ali: An Immigrant’s Monologue

“The aim of the Drama Club is to explore theatre as an art” 


Our Drama Club was formed in the Spring of 2013 when Dr. Konstantinos Blatanis, Assistant Professor of American Literature and Culture, invited students of the Department of English Language and Literature to engage in a variety of activities and happenings that would allow them to explore the theatre as an art form on both a theoretical and practical level. Since then, our Club has only grown. 


Our point of departure is the theoretical analysis of the plays we discuss, aspiring to approach the knowledge we gain through the courses in British, Irish and American Drama that already exist in our curriculum under a different light. For this, we also attend performances that we later discuss during group meetings. In these meetings, we also familiarize ourselves with the practice and techniques of acting training and take up exercises of kinesiology. Finally, every year, we plan, organize and present our very own production.


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