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10 Things I hate About You (1999)

Here are 14 reasons to like this movie according to Eleni Kodrou.

  1. Two very different but equally important and interesting female protagonists.

  2. Funny and almost caricature-like side characters.

  3. Heath Ledger.

  4. Great banter.

  5. Shakespeare references.

  6. Bad boy Heath Ledger.

  7. A bamf female character and a feminine female character.

  8. Heath Ledger singing.

  9. Teenagers going feral. 

  10. “Taming of the Shrew” done right.

  11. Heath Ledger being cute.

  12. Angst.

  13. Sisterly love.

  14. Heath Ledger not mentioned enough.

97 minutes

Gil Junger

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What are the #FridayMovieRecs?

Every Friday, one of our beauuuuutiful Club members picks a film they ‘ve watched recently and recommends it to the rest of us! 

The recommendation is firstly presented on our Instagram page and then uploaded here.

Drama Club

Department of English Language and Literature

School of Philosophy

National And Kapodistrian University of Athens 

Site designed, created and translated by Theocharis Tzimas.

Partly assisted by Maria Episkopou.

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