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It’s All

A Spectrum


Various Playwrights

It’s All A Spectrum: A collection of one-act plays (2017)

Welcome to the Spectrum! A place where Life and Death enjoy playing chess, love is at crisis, addictions and madness take hold of the human body and mind, and shadows try to devour our true selves. But hope is 
also there, a flicker of light in the dusty corners of the stage. Will it finally come out?
After last year's performance of Our Town by Thorton Wilder, the English Department Drama Club brings to you It's All a Spectrum, a collection of one-act plays that explores themes such as love, death, desire, madness and sexual repression. Love and death might seem antithetical but there are moments when they are almost entwined, and this play is one of these moments.
We invite you to join us in our fragmented journey in the realm of love and death, and then maybe you will find your own place in the Spectrum.

Οne act plays:

In a library book club, five girls talk about the plays they read for the week. In the process, they learn about the many aspects of life, each other and, most importantly, themselves. The plays they talk about are the following:


The Game (1916) by Louise Bryant:
Life and Death participate in what for them is a game of chess, but for two humans, it is what will determine their fate.

Directed by Βικτωρία Ναύτη (Victoria Nafti)

Cocaine (1921) by Pendleton King:
A prostitute and her boyfriend, who is an ex-boxer, struggle with poverty 
and drug addiction.

Directed by Γιώργος Χαλκιάς (Giorgos Chalkias)

Enemies (1921) by Neith Boyce & Hutchins Hapgood:
A rather normal quarrel between a middle-class married couple becomes the chance for them to reveal suppressed emotions and thoughts.
Directed by Γιώργος Δροσόπουλος (Giorgos Drosopoulos)

Overtones (1916) by Alice Gerstenberg:
Two women with connected pasts but different motives discuss over tea. Their superficiality is disturbed by their Inner Selves.

Directed by Γιώργος Δροσόπουλος (Giorgos Drosopoulos) and Γιώργος Κοκκώλης-Παπαδόπουλος (Giorgos Kokkolis-Papadopoulos)

Legend (1922) by Floyd Dell:
While young Donna Violante's husband is away for archeological research, his assistant arrives at Violante's doorstep bearing a letter, a gift and a request. Our production is an adaptation.

Directed by Άννα-Ρόζα Χατζησταυράκη (Anna-Rosa Hatzistavraki.)

Voices (2017) by Γιώργος Κοκκώλης-Παπαδόπουλος (Giorgos Kokkolis-Papadopoulos)
A young man tries to converse with his loved ones in a troubled moment but his words become his empty swan song.

Directed by Γιώργος Κοκκώλης Παπαδόπουλος (Giorgos Kokkolis-Papadopoulos)

Directed and Presented by Members of the English Department Drama Club:

Library Book Club:

Μάγδα Δαλεζίου (Magda Daleziou)

 Έλενα Μπέλλου (Elena Bellou)

 Γεωργία Σιδερίδου (Georgia Sideridou)

Αφροδίτη Ταμπακοπούλου (Aphrodite Tampakopoulou)

 Κατερίνα Χατζησταυράκη (Katerina Chatzistavraki) 

The Game:

Ηλιάνα Μεταξά (Iliana Metaxa) as Life
Γιώργος Κοκκώλης-Παπαδόπουλος (Giorgos Kokkolis-Papadopoulos) as Death

 Μυρτώ Παναγάκη (Myrto Panagaki) as Youth
Ασημίνα Κακοσαίου (Asimina Kakosaiou) as The Girl


Ελένη Κουρουτίδου (Eleni Kouroutidou) as Nora

Στέλλα Σενετάκη (Stella Senetaki) as Joe


Kωνσταντίνος Μανιάτης (Konstantinos Maniatis) as He

Γεωργία Πατούλα (Georgia Patoula) as She


Φωτεινή Ταξιάρχη(Fotini Taxiarchi) as Harriet

Βικτώρια Ναύτη (Victoria Nafti) as Hettie

Μαργαρίτα Κουτσοκέρη (Margarita Koutsokeri) as Margaret

Άννα-Ρόζα Χατζησταυράκη (Anna-Rosa Hatzistavraki) as Maggie


Σαπφώ Κατωπόδη (Sappho Katopodi) as Donna Violante

Ειρήνη Ανδρή (Eirini Andri) as Luciana


Κωνσταντίνος Μανιάτης(Konstantinos Maniatis) as Main

Γιώργος Χαλκιάς (Giorgos Halkias) as Superego
Χριστίνα Δημητρέλου (Christina Dimitrelou) as Mother

Δώρα Μαρκούση (Dora Markousi) as Ideal Woman

Έλενα Μεϊμάρη (Elena Meimari) as Sexuality


Poster of the play used by our Club for its presentation in June 2017.

Script by

Δαλεζίου Μάγδα (Daleziou Magda)
Κατωπόδη Σαπφώ (Katopodi Sappho)

Κουρουτίδου Ελένη (Kouroutidou Eleni)

Μαρκούση Δώρα (Markousi Dora) Μεταξά Ηλιάνα (Metaxa Iliana)

Directed by
Δροσόπουλος Γιώργος (Drosopoulos Giorgos)
Κοκκώλης-Παπαδόπουλος Γιώργος (Kokkolis-Papadopoulos Giorgos)
Ναύτη Βικτώρια  (Nafti Victoria)

Χαλκιάς Γιώργος (Chalkias Giorgos)
Χατζησταυράκη Άννα-Ρόζα (Chatzistavraki Anna-Rosa)

Costumes by

Μανιάτης Κωνσταντίνος (Maniatis Konstantinos)

Set by

Χατζησταυράκη Άννα-Ρόζα (Chatzistavraki Anna-Rosa)

Poster by

Παπαλοπούλου Μυρτώ (Papalopoulou Myrto)

Stage Curator

Τζίμης (Jimmy)

Meet the people involved 


Drama Club

Department of English Language and Literature

School of Philosophy

National And Kapodistrian University of Athens 

Site designed, created and translated by Theocharis Tzimas.

Partly assisted by Maria Episkopou.

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