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The Greatest Showman (2017)

This is your not so typical musical drama. This is a story of a 19th century man, who after having worked day in and day out all his life decides to create a circus. Through this not so ordinary circus, which is filled with some not so ordinary people, with delinquents and queer souls, the circus master wishes to become great. This is a story of inclusivity, of getting on board with and admiring what is different, of understanding what exclusion feels like and how we should avoid it. It’s also got some great songs, so you, dear viewer, are in for an extraordinary ride.

105 minutes

Michael Gracey

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What are the #FridayMovieRecs?

Every Friday, one of our beauuuuutiful Club members picks a film they ‘ve watched recently and recommends it to the rest of us! 

The recommendation is firstly presented on our Instagram page and then uploaded here.

Drama Club

Department of English Language and Literature

School of Philosophy

National And Kapodistrian University of Athens 

Site designed, created and translated by Theocharis Tzimas.

Partly assisted by Maria Episkopou.

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