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Soul (2020)
The story follows a middle school music teacher named Joe Gardner who loves jazz music and is given an opportunity to fulfill his dream of a career in jazz. But life has other plans for him. After an accident his soul is separated from his body. His soul is now in the “Great Beyond”, unwilling to die. Joe with 22’s help - a soul which he is assigned to train as its mentor, tries to reunite his soul with his body on Earth. This is a movie about reconsidering our true purpose, a reminder of enjoying the little things that fill our heart with happiness and not being only obsessed with what we call success.
101 minutes
Pete Docter
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What are the #FridayMovieRecs?
Every Friday, one of our beauuuuutiful Club members picks a film they ‘ve watched recently and recommends it to the rest of us!
The recommendation is firstly presented on our Instagram page and then uploaded here.