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Iliana Metaxa (Ηλιάνα Μεταξά)

Stage Director 2

IIiana has completed her BA studies at the Department of English Language and Literature of the University of Athens (2015-2019). Her lifelong love for theater and performance, as welll as her interest in connecting and collaborating with other creative people led her to become a member of the drama club from her very first year of studies. In fact, she made some of her closest friends within this community. She is passionate about artistic experimentation, pushing cultural and artistic boundaries beyond nomrativity and the commercial spectacle and perceives theater to be a medium that can engender sociopolitical change. Her interest in the impact and role of art as an anti-establishment force led her to pursue a Master's degree in Arts and Society at the University of Utrecht.

She currently lives and studies in Amsterdam. She enjoys reading fiction and non-fiction as well as poetry and she occasionally writes. She always tries to discover new underground music and arthouse films. She loves dodgy squatted bars that sell cheap beer and she pretends she lives in the 60's-70's


Iliana Metaxa (Ηλιάνα Μεταξά)
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