Chapter 1: Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles all the way down is a brilliant novel that follows 17 year old Aza in her journey of discovering the mystery behind the disappearance of Russell Picket, a well-known billionaire. In her quest to get to the bottom of that mysterious situation she learns to confront her emotions and struggles with her OCD. She encounters the human dualities that exist both inside her, as the narrative is split between conscious Aza and the unconscious one, and are evident in society as well. In this process, she finds love in David Picket. The young lovers are tested, their childlike features are almost comic, they show an incredible emotional depth and yet this great love has to end. We say goodbye when we want to meet someone again. Will Aza and David find each other again? Read this brilliant piece and you will find out.
John Green
286 pages
Published in 2017
Recommended by Marialena Koulouridi
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You are the narrator, the protagonist and the sidekick. You’re the storyteller and the story told. You’re somebody’s something but you are also yours you.